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April 3: Upcoming Ward 3 Events + News


Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I hope you are all staying safe and enjoying the beginning of spring. April is gearing up to be an exciting month in our City! ​ I know many of our neighbors will be celebrating Passover and Easter in the next week. Ramadan began on March 22 and will continue for 30 days. And we have a number of exciting events and discussions happening across the city!

Ward 3 Events:

Community Electricity Q&A April 6th at 7pm:

We know that many of our neighbors still have questions about the new Community Electricity Program. Please join Chairwoman Anthony & I for a Q&A with the City's Acting Director of Sustainability and a Consultant from Good Energy to have your questions answered. Join via zoom at:​

**We know that Thursday is Passover and apologize for the conflict, but wanted to get in a Q&A before the opt-out deadline. We will record this sesssion. There are also other Q&A's available at:

Ward 3 Community Meeting: April 12th at 7pm:

Please join us for our next Ward 3 Community Meeting at the Vincent Brown Rec Center on April 12th at 7pm! Based on the questions and interest from the community, we will be joined by the Department of Public Works, the Parks Department, and other city departments to answer questions and share information!

Ward 3 Intro Video:

The Providence City Council is increasing our outreach and communications with our neighbors! As part of this effort, our communications team is doing intro videos with each of the new Councilors. Check out mine - filmed on Hope Street - below!

Celebrate Earth Day in Ward 3 on April 22nd!

I will be joining the folks at North Burial Ground to celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd! We'll be planting trees, cleaning up the pond, planting a pollinator garden, taking a guided tour, and more! Please join us! More info coming soon - but in the meantime, check out their Facebook event and Save the Date!

Save the Date: Hope Street Block Party:

Neighborhood Spotlight: Mount Hope Community Center

Are you following the Mount Hope Community Center on social media? They regularly post about special events, classes, recreation, and programs available to community! Check them out & provide your support and volunteerism if you are able -- or just participate in a program!

What's going on in the City?

Save the Date: PVD Fest 2023!

Yard Waste Debris Pick up Info:

Waste Management will resume weekly Yard Waste services from April 3rd and do pickups until December 15th, 2023. Please note that privately owned barrels marked Yard Waste will only be serviced if they have a yellow "Yard Debris Only" sticker which is available at the Department of Public Works located at 700 Allens Avenue or at the Mayor’s Center for City Services on the first floor of Providence City Hall, 25 Dorrance Street. I'll work to get some of these stickers locally available for those unable to make it down to City Hall.

Upcoming Meetings:

The City Council Finance Committee meets on Monday April 3rd at 4pm (different time than normal!) to review the appointment of Joe Mulligan as the Director of the Planning Department. The full Council meets for its regularly-scheduled meeting on Thursday, April 6th at 6pm. To see agendas and zoom links, please check out the City's Open Meetings Portal.

Connecting with Councilor AnderBois:

Please reach out any time. I am out and about in the community, continuing to learn and find new ways to support our City. In the last few weeks, I cut the ribbon on a new volunteer center at the Meals on Wheels RI, marched in the St. Patrick's Day Parade, celebrated amazing awardees at the Juneteenth Gala, was featured in a short recording about energy efficiency programs in Rhode Island, and more -- in addition to my regular work on committees and working on policy. I've met with constituents and answered questions and connected folks to city services. Please feel invited to reach out to me anytime by replying to this email ( or follow what I'm up to via social media on Facebook or Instagram.

Thank you for all you do in the community.

With Gratitude,

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Sue AnderBois

Providence Ward 3

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© 2021 Supported by Friends of AnderBois

Treasurer Emily Koo

Friends of AnderBois

166 5th St, PVD 02906


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