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PVD Ward 3 January 9, 2023 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Happy 2023! I hope that this note finds you and your family healthy and safe as we begin the New Year.
It was an honor to be officially sworn in on Monday, January 2, 2023 to serve as City Councilor for Ward 3.

This is the most diverse Council that has ever served Providence – we are majority female, majority minority, and include members from four different generations. At our first meeting, we voted for Rachel Miller to serve as Council President, the body’s first openly LGBTQ Council President.

I am also pleased to share that I’ll be serving on the Finance Committee and the City Properties Committee, as well as on the Board of Park Commissioners. More to come!

Upcoming Meetings:

Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, January 10 at 5:30pm. Agenda Details here.
Next Full Council Meeting on Thursday, January 19 at 6pm.
COVID: Providence is currently ranked as “high” for COVID transmission. The variants currently prevalent in Rhode Island are highly contagious. Please take precautions when indoors or in crowded locations - such as wearing high-quality masks. I personally came down with COVID recently after avoiding it for 3 years and am grateful to be fully vaccinated and boosted. For COVID-related resources, refer to the RI Department of Health's COVID website.
Neighborhood News:
I am a big supporter of small, locally-owned businesses – and the Ward 3 business community has had some big news in the last few weeks!
Congratulations to the staff at Seven Stars Bakery. They announced this week that they have negotiated their first union contract.
A big welcome to Oak Bakeshop, which opened at the corner of Cyprus and Camp over the holidays!
Thank you to the Hope Street Merchants Association for hosting several weekends of holiday celebrations! I loved seeing Santa on Hope, as well as bumping into the Extraordinary Rendition Band while I was out holiday shopping one afternoon.
Have you had a chance to check out the LEGO rendition of North Main Street created by local artist Andrew Grover? It will be on display at 444 Westminster St in the main conference room on the first floor throughout the winter! I had the chance to meet Andrew and check out his creation over the holidays - a fantastic way to explore the future of a major thoroughfare in Ward 3!
Keeping in Touch: I am here to serve you and the City. If you have any questions or if I can be helpful in any way, please reach out at or at 401-400-1014.
Please follow any of my social media channels for regular updates as well – Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I use these to keep you up to date regularly and also share additional information and upcoming events. Stay tuned for our first community-wide meeting and dates for regular office hours (Zoom & in-person).
I’m looking forward to getting things done in 2023 for all of our residents!
My Best Always,

Councilor Sue AnderBois, Providence Ward 3 P.S. Check out this Boston Globe story, quoting me on next steps for the State’s Climate plan. There’s a lot we can do at the City level to Act on Climate – more coming soon!
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